Each “NO” motivates to do better
Long story short: I’ve always met people in my life that tried to discourage me. It’s so sad to think that actually, their role supposed to more supportive: teachers, relatives, friends, ex partners…how can you be a teacher if you don’t trust your students’ abilities? How can you be with someone that you don’t esteem?
One example: my English middle school teacher told me that I had no special gift for foreign languages. Well, she was so right that I have a BA in Linguistic Sciences and a MA in English & American Studies. I speak three languages every day at my workplace.
What if I had listened to her? Are teachers supposed to be encouraging instead of demotivating, aren’t them?
All the no’s that you may receive in life could turn into a yes for yourself, or even a roadsign to change path.
Think about it: have you ever felt that your goals and dreams were obstructed by someone else? Once this question pops up in your mind, you will immediately realise whether it’s time to stop listen to these people, or you are lucky to have someone at your side that encourages you to follow your dreams. Maybe it’s even your mind that tries to sabotage you.
Personally, I’ve noticed that people may obstacle you because you are trying to do something in which they failed, or because they also want to do that thing, so they don’t want you to succeed in it. The “I failed, nobody can succed!” principle is not a good principle at all.
Each no can motivate you to think: “So, what? You don’t want me to succeed? Fine, I’ll do it anyway.”
If you believe you are talented for something, then do it. No matter the voices around you. No matter the voices in your head.
I know I’ll become a writer. So I write.
I was one of those people who thought that good things happen only to others, and I felt resentment. Now I try to focus on the good things I have, reminding myself that I should enjoy them when it is possible.
If you want to read my previous articles, here is the link to my profile: Laura Papavero — Medium
Thank you.